Job Status
Open - open and accepting applications
Job Closing Date
Job Reference Number
FD 2024-002
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The Town of Beloit Fire Department is proud to be accepting applications for Full

Time Firefighter/Paramedics to fill open positions and establish an eligibility list for future openings.                                                                                                                            These positions are Full Time Union positions

with benefits packages to include Wisconsin Retirement System, health benefits packages,

vacation and holiday time, and more.

The Town of Beloit Fire Department is a combination department utilizing career and

paid-on-call personnel. The Department provides fire prevention, code enforcement, public

education, ice/surface water rescue, vehicle extrication, EMS, and fire suppression services to a

community encompassing 27 square miles and with an estimated population of 7,699.

This process is open to all applicants/candidates that meet the minimum requirements as

stated in the current Job Description for Firefighter/Paramedic and SOG #905. All applications

and supporting documentation as stated in SOG #905 shall be submitted until all positions are filled.

Applications, SOG #905, and Job Description can be found on the Town of Beloit Web

Site townofbeloitwi.gov or on request in person at the Town of Beloit Fire Station located at 2445

S. Afton Rd. Beloit, WI 53511. Applications and supporting documentation can be submitted in

person at/or mailed to Town of Beloit Fire Dept Attn: Chief Pease, 2445 S. Afton Rd, Beloit WI

53511. Thank you for your interest in the Town of Beloit Fire Dept. For any questions,

please call and ask to speak with a Deputy Chief at 608-472-2225.